Day 6 of Sober Rhi

A significant amount of Day 6 was spent with me waiting for my Asda delivery. In that time I went and checked my mail, and did some mild revision. I didn't go to the gym (in case of sudden arrival of Asda van) and instead did a weird 80s workout from the vintage depths of YouTube in the confined space of my room.
By the time aforementioned Asda van actually arrived (10 minutes later than the slot, which sounds acceptable but my stomach was saying otherwise), I'd already tweeted Asda in a concerned manner several times and in my distress succumbed to making curly fries and sharing them with Kate. Followed by delicious apple tart (thank you Sazatron) and several oeros it's safe to see this has not been my healthiest of afternoons. Tomorrow is gym day though bright and early (urgh).
Had a great evening in the pub doing the quiz with the Pink Flamingos and we actually kicked quiz-butt this time - this didn't allow us a win however, as some people in our college are either prime cheaters or human encyclopedias. Also, after winning at pool, I'm genuinely considering doing it as a sport next year (because, yknow, so many calories burnt and stuff...oh and I take part in a shocking total of 1 societies).
No hilarious gifs this evening as my phone just can't deal with them. But it can deal with this photo of a sunset so here you go:
