We should all just embrace our inner Sansa

I begin this eloquent text with some excuses.

Things that have been preventing me from posting:
  • Grammar exercises
  • Ridiculously wordy reviews of essays that I need to read, question, and create a magnificently crazy-brainy analysis of within an eye-wateringly-short time-period
  • Custard Creams
  • My memory
Week 7 has arrived. With it's unforgiving purple claws and daunting workload. I lie - it's pretty much the same as every other week I've been through apart from it means that there's only 3 more full weeks of 1st semester! HOLY CHEESEBALLS.

Having handed in a review this morning, I felt relieved.

That was until I arrived at my seminar and we were reminded of our essay titles with the advice "to start thinking about it". "Thinking", as it was put, does not mean the kind of thinking where you wonder what to have for breakfast. Coco Pops, Weetabix, Toast, Yoghurt or Muesli for you sophisticated types. It does not mean the kind of thinking where you decide what to wear today, if you even make that decision. Sometimes your body just decides to hold up some clothes and wriggle into them and then at approximately 6pm you realise you've been unwillingly displaying your hems and labels for all to see. A moment where we should all just embrace our inner Sansa.

Learnt some rules of Chinese Grammar today. Chinese and English are so different it doesn't even make me cry. It can't. I can't cry because Chinese is so difficult the difficulty vapour spreads to my eyes and then my eyes are like "It's so tricky but I can't cry because crying is tricky HELP ME OH LORD OF TEARS"

Also learnt about Ecofeminism and why it's good and why it's bad.

What I'm learning about literary subjects is that nothing is ever black and white - there are Goods and Bads (extreme high-quality tip-top academic terms, I know) to everything and you can't just get away with using simple words because it will, quite frankly, NOT be good enough. Want to explain something in less than 100 words because you've got a strict word count? WELL IT SUCKS TO BE YOU MY ACADEMIC FRIEND BECAUSE WITHIN THIS PARAGRAPH YOU MUST ANALYSE ENTERPRITYSE MUTUALYSE PARAPHRASIPITYSE QUOTATYSE AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST EVALUATITYSE THIS PIECE OF WORDING ALL TO SIMPLY PASSITYSE YOUR CURRENT YEAR OF DEGREE

In other areas of my immediate life, we're off to see (the wizard) the Late Screening *oooooh* of Mockingjay, the 3rd Hunger Games film, tomorrow night/Thursday morning. I am going to have to have a nap tomorrow because the film finishes at half past 2 in the morn. Not ideal for my 10am start but thereyago. I haven't read the books, I admit, and that probably makes me 'not a true fan' or whatever but my response to that is that of Sansa above. I really enjoyed the films that are already out, 1 & 2. Yes, I did use numbers because I cannot remember the names. What's important from this little ramble is that they were good and that promises me good-ness from the next film so I've chosen to invest in a ticket of cinema for it.

In addition, I have eaten all my Custard Creams.

Also, a tip for life is that if you're tired and you're near your bed, just go to sleep. Working can be saved until morning. I am at this very moment showing you an example of this irresponsibility but I think it's okay because this blogging isn't work. This is me every time I blog. Minus the "this is good". Just the dance bit:

Thanks goes to Nick Miller
Rhiannon x
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