it's all in a name

Two things spurred me on to write this post.

The first - an amazing book I'm reading, which must be good as I'm only on page 138 out of 460. It's called 'Fangirl', by Rainbow Rowell.

Written in the third person, it focuses on the experiences of Cath, the more timid and nerdy identical twin of Wren. The book starts as they move into their dorm rooms in Nebraska on day 1 of university and for me, the whole story so far is scarily relatable. Like, super weirdly me. No, I don't write Fanfiction and I'm not particularly obsessed with any fictional characters (Daniel Desario doesn't count, right? Right). I don't have an identical twin (but don't dismiss the idea of a doppelganger).

But I do like getting away from it all, using films and books and this blog instead of actual story-writing. I do over-think things. I do use the word 'just' way too much. I like to take studying seriously and cling to the past. I also admit at one point surrendering to an Emergency Dance Party.


emergency dance party: em-er-jen-see d-ants par-tee
- 'when things were getting too intense, an emergency dance party would be summoned in the company of an emergency playlist'
- Kanye is preferred

Check out my recommended playlist here.

To quote the book,
"Kanye always crawled right under her skin. He was the perfect antidote to any serious frustration. Just enough angry, just enough indignant, just enough the-world-will-never-know-how-ridiculously-awesome-I-am. Just enough poet."
This, by far, is the best quote I have ever read because I 100% agree with it. The author makes the book up to date and relevant without it sounding like they're trying to be cool and fit in with the younger generation because I truly believe they do. I have no idea how old the author is but right now I feel like she pretty much lives the life of a teenage girl - every thought described in the book is exact to what I would think in every situation and it. is. CREEPIN' ME OUT!

Mainly since I don't think normally. But what is nor- okay I'm not getting into that question now. It's too late and there's tea brewing and it could go on for years. Leaving that one to all the philosophers out there.

Another awesome thing about this book is that the author's name is RAINBOW. I don't think I need to expand on how awesome that is. Apparently Rainbow is releasing a new book this year called 'Landline' so I'll be looking out for that.

Overall, quite honestly I picked up 'Fangirl' since a Waterstones voucher was burning a hole in my purse and I saw it sitting in the City Chart section. It's also a very nice shade of mint green.

Spurring-on-thing NO 2. Tom Fletcher (okay guys so if you didn't already know I love McFly and it this has not changed since they first became a band, I own 2005 annuals and T-shirts okay just get over it okay) has just had a baby boy with his school sweetheart Giovanna. After recovering from cuteness-overload, I decided to find out if they'd chosen a name yet and it took me approximately 4.8 seconds:

>>> Buzz Michelangelo Fletcher <<<

Think of it what you will.

Rhiannon x
