the newest news you'll ever knew

I'm posting this on a Thursday night, which is a big thing seeing as Thursday nights are IMMENSE for TV at the moment (E4, basically). So feel special. Give yourself some credit for knowing how special you are. Maybe phone credit. Or your favourite food. Or a pat on the back (who even does that to themselves normally). JUST FEEL GOOD OKAY?! Okay.

Now you're feeling extra fab, I'll let you in on some super secret just-in news:

A friend gave me an idea for how to manage my blog, and so from next week I'll be choosing weekly topics/ideas to write about (e.g. fashion, balloons, politics, chipmunks, sequins, destiny, destiny of sequins). After all, journalism is something I'd love to get practise in and feedback from.
I'll still be posting about what I'm doing, just with more focus.
So pleeeeeeeease send me some suggestions for stories via the contact form on the right or on FB if you have me on there.


My art is progressing well, with the branches having been painted on today while I watched The Shawshank Redemption. I have to honestly say I started watching it since every Best Films Ever list in the internet world seems to put it at or very near the top - I guess that's a good enough reason but I didn't necessarily believe it was going to be that GOOD. Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins star as prisoners in Shawshank State Prison (handily named), Robbins being put inside at the start of the film after being charged for the murders of his wife and the man she was having an affair with. The two characters build up a friendship, as good as a friendship can get in a tough prison environment, and there are plenty of heart-warming scenes, scenes that will restore your faith in humanity, as well as devastating and brutal ones. Go forth and WATCH, amigo!
Wait. It's the 13th of February today......that only means one thing.....................thank Lucius it's not a Friday because that would be unlucky hahah aha a ahahah aha ah aha


Rhiannon x
