pink + red = aesthetic death


The past few days, I've been selecting possible songs to record piano covers of and I've started to teach myself Italian. So far these are my favourite words:

dopo - after
a sinistra / destra - on the left / right
la signora / signorina - Mrs / Miss
il Signore - Mr
via - street
piazza - square (as in town square)
ecco - here
li - there
piacere - how do you do
dov'è? - where is it/he/she?
cos'è? - what is it?
chi'è? - who is it?

Pretty basic but that was just what I learnt last night so if I keep it up ROME WILL NOT BELIEVE IT'S EYES
well it will
italians in rome speak italian
but they will fall over in admiration of my future fluency.

If you have any ideas for songs I could cover (preferably do-able on piano - I can adapt songs to an extent but no Avenged Sevenfold please) let me know via the contact form .........ooooooover here -->

excited as you are, i can finally relieve you of your anticipation by announcing that my bird painting has begun!
The canvas is quite large and thin (much easier to move about than a deep canvas!):

i had to amputate magazines. RIP
draft! and some bird sketches

As you can see, I've started with a deep purple-pink acrylic background and begun to use various groups of coloured magazine paper for the tree collage.
PVA glue is proving useful yet rather messy and I seem to be finding bits of dried glue on my hands on a regular basis.

Prospective Collagers - BEWARE: 
If papers used are too thin, they can tear when smoothed down with wet glue and cause mild aggravation and need for caffeine.

Eventually I plan to add in the branches, either with paint or collage, and add the birds on top with more acrylic.
Due to the pinks used, my piece isn't looking so suitable for our living room at the moment  - a key colour in the room is red (pink + red = aesthetic death).
However, I may be able to redeem myself by involving other tones. And general awesomeness.

Rhiannon x
